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Are you as much a fan of classic flooring as we are? if yes, then you must also be an enthusiast when it comes to maintenance of all things classic and old school, just like us! Slate flooring is widely considered to be one of the vintage types of flooring since they have been largely replaced by ceramic tiles in the present times. However, that does not make them any less appealing. Therefore, We at GroutExpert take our Slate Cleaning Avondale Heights , Slate Resealing Avondale Heights business very seriously.
There are several reasons as to why slate floors have been replaced by ceramic floors, many of them relate to the hard work it takes in maintaining slates floors. Since they are unique, slate tiles are not easily available. They come in a variety of textures, colours and designs but their uniqueness remains the same. Another factor which is in favour of ceramic tiles is that slate tiles are expensive to buy, and require an elaborate method to be installed.
However, factors in favour of slate floors are not negligible either. Slate floors are resistant to deterioration and stains. Additionally, their one-of-a-kind designs make ones home stand out, which is what every person is striving for.
On the contrary, the maintenance of slate floors is not something you should stress yourself for because we have got that covered for you. Contact GroutExpert to uphold the texture and condition of your classic slate floors.
Slate cleaning Avondale Heights and the slate resealing Avondale Heights procedure is similar to that of tile cleaning and resealing, the only difference is that it is not required for slate as often as it is for tiles. Since the installation of slate floors requires the application of both penetrating as well as surface sealers. This is because the material of slate is highly porous and penetrating sealer is required to fill in those pores. Then after installation, a surface sealer is applied to form a protective and stain-resistant coat over the tiles.
The process of slate resealing also involves the same steps as that of tile resealing. The previous coat of sealer is removed, taking with it all the dirt and debris leaving the tiles spotless. Then, to maintain that spotlessness, a fresh layer of sealer is applied which provides immunity to the tiles against any future contamination.
So, put your worries and doubts behind you and contact GroutExpert today to acquire the best Slate Cleaning and Resealing. Our team will be at your doorstep with all the necessary tools and equipment and of course, the love for classic flooring.