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tiles sealing 03-Sep, 2020

Why Do Tiles Need Sealing?

No doubt, tiles and flooring surface offer a great and attractive overall appearance. But it’ll a pain to maintain the floor without putting time and effort. Because tiles require appropriate cleaning and maintenance to restore shine and beauty[...]

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blog-4 18-Aug, 2020

How Do I Keep My Bathroom Tiles Clean Every day?

No doubt, tiles offer a new and versatile look to the floors and walls in the kitchens and bathrooms. Moreover, it’s the best way to embellish the floor with tiles instead of carpeting. However, over the time tiles become dull and filthy.[...]

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blog-1 Aug, 2020

How Hard Is It To Regrout Floor Tiles?

Over time, grout gets dirty and fade. For this, you need to install the new grout or renew the old one. because grout makes a great difference in the overall appearance of tiles and floor. On the other hand[...]

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