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tile sealing 04 Sep 2020.

Why Do Tiles Need Sealing?

No doubt, tiles and flooring surface offer a great and attractive overall appearance. But it’ll a pain to maintain the floor without putting time and effort. Because tiles require appropriate cleaning and maintenance to restore shine and beauty. Moreover, if the tiles floor is installed but not sealed then it’ll double the cleaning time and effort. For this, tiles sealing is a necessary task for better maintenance of tiles and floor.

So, you should prefer to seal the tiles even if you have installed a new floor.  It will complete the look of tiles and floor by offering a great protective layer. Even after applying the sealant, you need to clean the tiles regularly. But it will minimize the cleaning time and effort.

Necessities For Applying Tiles Sealers:

Tiles and grout are the main parts of the floor. Both of these parts require appropriate cleaning and maintenance to save the surface of the floor. Grout helps to offer better texture and consistency to the tiles. Grout is a porous material and absorbs the water and moisture easily. So, these lines and corners are more prone to dirt and dust. That’s why you should seal the tiles as well as grout material firstly for better protection. sealed grout will be easier to clean and maintain as compared to unsealed.

Sealing tiles will increase the lifetime of the floor by preventing the penetration of water and moisture.

When Do You Need To Seal The Tiles?

Sealing offers better protection and durability to the tiles and floor. Moreover, it helps to save the tiles from dirt and dust as well as hard stains. An appropriate layer of tiles sealers also protects the grout lines and corners by minimizing the chances of spills and stains.

No doubt, all type of tiles doesn’t require the sealant initially such as natural stones and slate tiles. But the natural protection of these tiles and stones may fade over time. At that point, you have to apply the new coat of high-quality sealant. Otherwise, stones and tiles will absorb the water easily and damage the flooring surface.

How To Check The Protection Level Of Grout And Tiles?

Sometimes you need to check the protection level of grout and tiles by pouring a few drops of water on the grout lines. If the grout absorbs the water then it requires to be sealed badly. While tiles sealing, it’s better to apply the sealant product accordingly the directions and instructions of the manufacturer’s company to get the desired protection.

On the other hand, it will help to get the job done in a right and effective way. outdoor tiles and grout require more protection as compared to the inside floor. Otherwise, moisture and water deposit on the tiles and grout lines will grow the mould and mildew easily. If you see the breakouts and cracks on the tiles or grout then you floor badly need to repair or application of a high-quality sealant. So, it’s better to inspect the floor at least every month to know about the needs and damages of the floor.

Maintain The Cleaning Patterns Before And After Applying The Sealant:

No doubt, sealant minimizes the cleaning time and effort. But you need to clean the floor before or even after applying the sealant regularly. Before cleaning is necessary to get the smooth protective layer over the grout lines and tiles.

Because if you have applied the sealant on the dirty tiles and grout then it will stick to the floor efficiently. In this case, it also doesn’t offer better protection to the tiles and grout lines. Because stains and spills on the floor may still occur even after applying sealant. But you can clean it easily.

To clean the stains on sealed tiles, you just need to rub the stains by applying a mild cleaning product. But don’t use hard chemicals and cleaning products. Otherwise, these products will also damage the protective layer of the floor.

After getting the tiles sealing services, don’t scrub the tiles and grout lines with a hard bristle brush or scrubbing tools. Because you can easily clean the floor with the help of a mild cleaner. Moreover, hard brush or scrubbing tools will damage or scratch over the tiles and grout and you may install the new floor to replace the damages.

On the other hand, if you don’t clean the floor before applying the sealant then the stains and spills on it will stick permanently. At that point, you might be able to clean this stained grout. so, it’s better to clean it out first then apply the sealant.